In brief

>It is a mistake to try to understand Gen as a single entity; instead, we should recognize that they are a collective of consumers with diverse interests and preferences.

>There are more young consumers in Japan who are referred to as "followers," starting their consumption by following those around them, and these so-called late majority consumers are more prevalent compared to those in Western countries.

>To enter and grow in the Japanese B2C market, companies need to consider which segments of Gen Z to target and then build their marketing and operational strategies accordingly.



 In any industry, as long as you are selling goods and services to customers, it is essential to have a precise understanding of today's consumers. However, when looked at by age group, today's teenagers and 20-somethings, who as children experienced events that could be described as once in a century, such as the rapid progress of digital technology, the Eastern Japan Earthquake and the outbreak of the new coronavirus, have a major ‘disconnect’ in their values with older generations. The ‘Gen Z’ generation is therefore a ‘disconnect’ between their values and those of older generations. Therefore, few elders seem to have a high resolution understanding of the ‘Gen Z’. 

 As a result, the media, including television and magazines, are spreading an image of today's youth as having grown up without hardship and lacking enthusiasm and desire, which, as a Gen Z, I cannot help but feel uncomfortable about.

 In this report, I would like to discuss this Generation Z under a visualisation of their values.
Japanese Gen Z has widely differing individual values and consumption behaviour
 Gen Z is the collective term for young people born between 1996 and 2010, who are approximately 12-26 years old in 2022, and the typical images that come to mind when you hear the term ‘Gen Z’ include ‘spending hours a day on social networking’ and ‘heavy use of monthly subscription services such as Netflix’. and ‘spend many hours a day on social networking’ and ‘use a lot of monthly subscription services such as Netflix’.

 According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' White Paper on Information and Communications (2020), Instagram usage among teenagers and 20s boasts 69% and 68% respectively, which is significantly higher than the usage rate of 42% for all age groups. The fact that TikTok and Twitter are favoured by teenagers and 20-somethings, respectively, also suggests that these are the age groups that actively use social networking services.

 However, the flip side of this data is that more than 30% of teenagers and 20-plus still do not use Instagram, and among the nearly 70% who do, there are many who just look at posts by friends and celebrities, with varying degrees of use. There are many friends around the author who are not interested in social networking at all or have quit using it because they are tired of it, and the author himself does not usually use social networking much.

 In contrast to the days when everyone was watching the same TV programmes and following the same trends, it is now natural for people to select and choose the content that interests them. The fact that values and consumer behaviour differ greatly from person to person, not just in the use of social networking sites, is a decisive difference with the Millennial generation (born between 1980 and 1995, the generation above Gen Z) and above.
Segmentation OF Japanese GEN Z

 So how diverse is Gen Z made up of different layers? A survey of approximately 4,000 Gen Z in Japan was conducted on their values (February 2022). The segmentation of Gen Z under statistical methods revealed that Gen Z can be divided into six main segments.
ソーシャルアクティブ層 / Social Active group

 One of the most active users of social networking sites such as Twitter and Instagram, and representative of Gen Z, is the Socially Active segment, which accounts for 25% of Gen Z. It is a segment that is most common in urban areas.

 In addition to being very protective of their friends and colleagues, they also tend to be very sensitive to what is popular, which is a characteristic unique to this segment, which is able to express and transmit themselves on social networking sites, where the content that becomes a hot topic changes dramatically over the course of a few days.

 Usual consumption behaviour is centred on Instagram, with a focus on official brand accounts and influencers (*persons with a great deal of influence on social networking sites; not only celebrities, but also ordinary people). They are often influenced by the posts and live-streaming of influencers (not only celebrities but also many ordinary people) and end up purchasing products.

 The key to targeting socially active consumers in brand management is how to establish contact through online media.
自分らしさ追求層 / lifestyle enthusiasts

 Along with the socially active segment, the most common segment is the ‘self-discovery segment’, which is relatively older among Gen Z, such as those in their 20s, and is present in both urban and rural areas.

 The most distinctive feature of this group is their strong awareness of issues concerning the global environment and ethics. They choose brands that take sustainability into account and have a high level of interest in organic products. In addition to the natural environment, they are also highly conscious of human rights, for example by supporting the #MeToo movement, which has become a global trend.

 They also attach great importance to quality and security during everyday consumption, and can be said to be good at ‘using good things for a long time’. This segment of the population with a high interest in sustainability is likely to increase in Japan as well as in Europe and the US, and the level of seriousness is likely to increase. In order to capture this segment of the population, more serious action is required to avoid being perceived as a greenwashed company or brand that pretends to be involved in environmental and human rights protection.
保守的リアリスト層 / COnservative realists

 The ‘conservative realist segment’ is present in Gen Z at around 15% and tends to favour goods, services and brands that have been recognised for a long time.

 For example, use of Instagram and Twitter, which were relatively early in their diffusion, is high at 76% and 64% respectively, while the recently popular TikTok has a usage rate of only 17%. This is less than half of the aforementioned socially active and identity-seeking segments.

 In terms of consumption behaviour, price and cost-effectiveness are the most important factors, a characteristic unique to a generation that was born and has hardly experienced a booming economy.
没入ギーク層 / GEEK

 Some Gen Z have a geeky streak, with a passion for the things they like to do, which is about 15% of Gen Z. They tend to be very progressive and efficient in terms of their values.

 For example, when it comes to getting the right clothes, they often settle for low-priced fashions, mainly from Uniqlo. This includes people who are familiar with the latest smartphones and gadgets, and anime and manga geeks. Many of them have a purchasing tendency with efficiency in mind, and in order to stab this demographic in the back, it is necessary to convey the ‘benefits of purchase’ in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner.
好奇心旺盛層 / curiosity-driven group
フォロワー層 / followers

 The remaining segment is the ‘follower segment’, which is less interested in trends and developments in the world. The follower segment, which used to account for half of all domestic consumers, has been shrinking, and now accounts for less than 10% of Gen Z. This 10% includes many teenagers whose values are set to change in the future, so it is likely that the follower segment will soon disappear.
 The main feature of this group is that they are less particular in their consumption behaviour. In fact, 44% of men and 32% of women do not have a favourite fashion style. It is also worth noting that just under 20% of this group do not use any social networking services, including LINE.
Z世代を"刺す"には / HOW to sell to GEN Z in Japan

 As they will be the core of domestic consumption in five to ten years' time, it is essential to understand Gen Z with a high level of resolution in order to survive in the 2030s.

 In order to sell products to Gen Z as a company or brand, it is essential to clarify which of these diverse segments to focus on and what the most appropriate strategy is for promoting value.

 In the future, we would like to introduce specific examples of how players are effectively approaching Gen Z.
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