WHAT we offer / サービス
 Leveraging our experience in thoroughly analyzing the Japanese consumer goods market and providing consulting support to clients, we offer services focused on the following three areas:
1, Analysis, localization, and market entry support for global consumer goods companies and brands targeting the Japanese market.
2, Rebranding and turnaround support for global consumer goods companies and brands already present in the Japanese market.
3, Consumer-driven (both domestic and international) strategic consulting for Japanese consumer goods companies and brands.

① グローバルの消費財企業・ブランドに対する日本市場の分析・ローカライズ・参入支援
② 日本市場に参入済みのグローバル消費財企業・ブランドに対するリブランディング・ターンアラウンド支援
③ 日本国内の消費財企業・ブランドに対する消費者(国内・海外)起点の戦略コンサルティング
Case studies / 事例
Market and competitive landscape analysis / 市場魅力度評価

For major consumer goods manufacturers (both B2B and B2C) with global product distribution, we identified investment priorities based on market growth potential and the dynamics of local competitors. As a result, our clients have accelerated their regional expansion through acquisitions in recent years.

グローバルに商品展開する大手消費財メーカー(B2B & B2C)に対し、市場の成長性やその土地の競合プレイヤーの動向から、投資を進めるべき優先順位を特定。実際にクライアントは近年買収による地域拡大を加速している
Consumer Analysis / 消費者特性分析

Analysis of the market and trends in the consumer segment of the Japanese market and the assumed market share of each segment for a major drugstore company, and an recommendation on market-appropriate strategies.

Brand Image analysis / ブランドイメージ調査

We analyzed the current situation of a major global beverage manufacturer, whose products are sold in more than 20 countries around the world but have different brand images in different countries, and discussed the measures that should be taken. We also visualized the brand image change by product renewal.


We developed a rebranding strategy for a major Japanese apparel-related brand by analyzing the client's diluted brand image in comparison to other brands.
We can assist you in developing your business with the following services.
>Localization strategy development (especially localization to Japan)
>Conducting Japanese and global consumer research
>Market and competitive intelligence based on expert interviews
>Assistance in listing up acquisition targets (long or short lists)
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